Sunday, August 12, 2007

Movie Review: Super Size Me

Documentary. Excellent. Filmmaker, Morgan Spurlock, embarks on a one month diet in which he eats only food from McDonald's. The rules: He can eat only food sold at McDonalds; He must try the entire menu; He will only super size his meal if they ask.

As one might expect, the result to his health is disastrous. The effects are as severe as binge-drinking over a similar time frame. The diet resulted in severe harm to his liver, kidneys, heart and circulatory system, and mental and emotional health. What I found really astounding were the statistics regarding the increase of obesity in the U.S., particularly among children. Despite repeated efforts, no spokesperson from McDonald's agreed to be interviewed for the documentary. I don't understand why not. I'm sure they care about the health of their customers and stand behind their product.

While the experiment seems extreme, the film brings attention to two important topics: the disconnect between Americans and the origins and preparation of our food; and the influence weilded by large food corporations both in the halls of our government and through marketing. What looked like an innocent Big Mac before is now revealed to be a toxic fat bomb. The movie made me reconsider ever eating fast food again. Definitely worth watching, but plan on eating some veggies after.

1 comment:

Pat R said...

finally got around to seeing Super Size Me; i was impressed by Morgan Spurlock's insight as his movie gets into not only the physical but also the social effects of consuming fast food...