Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Public Radio On-line

I listen to a lot of public radio on-line while I'm doing work around the house. In my virtual travels I've run across a few good programs.

Speaking of Faith, interviews/conversations about faith, religion, ethics, and culture. The two shows that I listened to and enjoyed immensely were the interviews of

Harvey Cox, a professor of Divinity at Harvard, topics included the recent atheism vs. religion debates and the interplay that can exist between faith and other forms of knowledge

Barbara Kingsolver about her book, "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life," in which she writes of her family's decision to eat only local organic foods.

I also discovered Mike McGrath's "You Bet Your Garden." Mike used to be the Editor of "Organic Gardening" and now has his own weekly radio show.

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