Saturday, August 11, 2007

Corporations Are People Too

They have feelings. They really care about us, and it hurts their feelings when we pass laws to prevent them from spraying sludge (a toxic chemical sewage brew) on farm fields, building gargantuan hog processing plants in our communities, and operating limestone quarries and asphalt plants within a few hundred yards of elementary schools.

Well, OK. That's an exageration. Corporations don't really have feelings, and the only thing that matters to a corporation is profit. Anyone who says differently is selling something. However, corporations are people, according to the U.S. Constitution. Not only are they people, but they are really a "super" person with rights that can trump the will of entire communities. They have at their disposal sums of money, so vast that you and I can barely dream of, which can be used to hire the best lawyers, to lobby legislators and other public officials to alter our democratic processes, and to pay fines for breaking the law as just another cost of doing business.

What can we do in the face of such behemoths? Organize. Learn about our government and take back our rights. Here are a few resources: The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund. More than just an environmental organization. CELDF helps communities organize and bring power back to the people. If the links below don't work just do a search for "Democracy School" on You Tube. Intro to the Democracy School Thomas Linzey of CELDF and The Democracy School Lectures in Seattle Richard Grossman Lectures in Seattle

Also check out the film "The Corporation." I haven't seen it yet, but apparently it addresses similar issues.

If anyone has other resources or ideas, make a post. Some people have said they've had trouble posting comments. I think all that you have to do is to set up a user account with Google (it's free). Then you will be able to log on and make a post.

1 comment:

Whozat said...

I attended Democracy School in 04, and it's a real eye-opener. I highly recommend it.